Photography & Props

Photography Props

Many of you have been asking how I shoot my product photos, so let’s talk about that! To start with, I have a variety of sturdy boards with different textures that serve as a surface and backdrop. I try to envision what mood would suit the creature best and choose accordingly. I clamp the one acting as a background to the table. Don’t want to risk having the board fall all over my artwork! Boards are great and I highly recommend them, but if you want to go for a more sterile or flat color look you can also use sheets of paper, PVC or cloth. I tend to use the boards for my framed artwork, and PVC flat colors for my artdolls.

Photography Setup

Then we need lights! I have two studio lamps on tripods that can illuminate about 1800 wattage. They have the possibility to be dimmed which gives me complete control over how much light my product is subjected to. The tripod is also great as it allows me to change the height of the light whenever I need to. Once I’ve set the appropriate height and light output, I place the lamps on either side of the table in a diagonal line towards where the product will be. I do not use an overhead light for my framed artwork as the acrylic pane, that acts as the glass, will show too many reflections. For art dolls this isn’t so much of an issue.

Now that we have the lights set up, it’s time to place the product in the center of the surface! I shoot my products on a Canon EOS 40D and with a 17-55 mm lens. It’s my Dad’s old camera, but it does the job perfectly. The lens is just the right amount for me to be able to zoom in properly, or stand from a small distance. This negates reflections.

Photography Props Close Up

Last but not least, props! I really enjoy using props in my photos. It creates a certain mood in the final image and makes the creature a bit more lifelike in my opinion - it makes a statement. I like using lots of organic and natural textures such as plants, rustic looking branches or little rocks and pebbles. I like to add hints of the creature’s natural habitat, or correlating color schemes. I have a variety of props stored in a box from which I can choose, mix and match. I got most of my props at a local garden center, but you can also go out into your own yard to gather materials. Even the forest or beach can offer you free props such as seashells, rocks, mosses and acorns. The possibilities are limitless!

That’s it! I hope this helps!


Camera Settings


Finding Inspiration